Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The First Day After Creation

Smiles around and loving sensation inside. I spoke about drunkard and drug addicts. They are the people which humankind charged with an important mission to fulfil to find new horizons and new ways of thinking. We can help them, I mean, drug addicts and drunkards if we will clearly show them ways how to fulfil their mission without using harmful chemical substances. How to be perfect powerfully thinking and moving creatures generating new ways of existance every next moment . How to do better then they in creativity and better in a huge extent comparable to the relation between 80 years old sage and a new-born baby on his lap. Then seeing us they will come free from their hard duties !

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Blogging looks natural

Yes, it's my first experience with blogging, but I feel like it has been my genuine
activity for somewhat 25 last years ! I bloged on pieces of paper, in special thick notebooks, then started to use computer files to record my thoughts, inventions, impressions and language constructions coming to my mind. The only but big
difference is I tried to conceal my memos from anyone's eyes but now am determined to expose them to the world. I hope the part of the world which is to percieve them will be friendly.